Question and answer time with Head of Schools April Dwamena
(opens in facebook)
• Open FAQ About Uniforms from our Online Library.
When and how will I be able to enroll my student?
Registration for new students will open on March 1st. You may print off an Application. Fill it out and submit it either in person or by mail with an application fee. After that, we will contact you to set up a family interview and testing. Mail applications to: PCA Lampasas; PO Box 1747; Lampasas, TX 76550
Where will the school be located?
We are blessed to call Lampasas Methodist church home. The church is located at 2 Alexander Street, Lampasas TX 76550.
Is the School a non-profit organization?
Yes! PCA of Lampasas is registered as a 501c3 with the IRS. All donations are tax-deductible.
What curriculum will be used?
Providence Christian Academy of Lampasas will use a curriculum that supports its vision, mission, and faith statements. It has been selected from a variety of sources that best meet the needs of the children who will be enrolled.
What about a dress code/uniforms?
Yes! PCA Lampasas will have a uniform. The uniforms selected should be easy to find over the counter and inexpensive. Although there may be an opportunity to purchase uniform shirts with the PCA Lampasas logo, these will not be required for everyday wear.
Teaching Godly Students, What is a Biblical worldview?
A Biblical worldview is a lens through which we as Christians should view the world. It is a systematic way to apply scripture to our everyday life. To see God, ourselves, and the world the way God sees us. We can use these principles to guide our everyday decisions and navigate the stormy waters of this life. Are your children developing a Biblical worldview? Providence Christian Academy can help.