Math is the descriptive language of the universe. Math makes the natural process and function of the universe predicable and understandable. It is useful and necessary in the functions and dealings that mankind has with one another. As God is the author and creator of the universe and the rules by which it functions, math is a language of God. It tells us so much about his nature. Math is constant and unchanging as He is constant and unchanging. It is infinite as He is infinite. In the lower levels, it is concrete and tangible as the simplicity of the gospel is simple and tangible. In higher-level math, it is abstract, logical, rational, and methodical as the nature of God is complex and incomprehensible. By learning these processes, we develop a rational, methodical, logical mind able to process abstract thought and apply principles across multiple situations and predict outcomes.
The purpose of science in a Christian school is to explore God's general revelation through the methodical and rational tool of the scientific method. It helps us to understand and appreciate God's thoughtful design, loving provision, orderliness, creativity, and might displayed that all of mankind might know the nature of the Creator. It teaches us general principles to help lead a healthy and productive life and to better understand our God-given responsibility to be stewards of His creation. It is imperative that Christians learn to become thoughtful consumers of knowledge relating to science as it has become plagued with unbiblical principles and agendas that seek to undermine Biblical truth.
Language Arts
Although Language is a construct of man, it is the vehicle by which God chose to reveal His special revelation to mankind. Studying Language Arts allows us to understand, among many things, God's Word to the best of our ability. It also allows us to express ourselves using the written word. Extensive vocabulary is the vehicle by which thought is developed and processed. By limiting one's vocabulary, one limits thoughtful contemplation and understanding of complex ideas and abstract concepts. It also inhibits both creative verbal and written expression.
What curriculum will be used?
Providence Christian Academy of Lampasas will use a curriculum that supports its vision, mission, and faith statements. It has been selected from a variety of sources that best meet the needs of the children who will be enrolled.
The study of history is literally the study of HIS-story. God's redemptive plan has extended from before the foundations of the world through to this very day. His works and interactions, as well as his providence, goodness, and judgment, are seen throughout the history of mankind. Valuable lessons can be learned from both the dark and sinful moments of history as well as the triumphant and righteous accomplishments. By studying history, we can learn and understand that God is able to use sinful and broken men to accomplish His will. We learn that God has and continues to intervene providentially in both the rise and fall of nations as well as the day-to-day life of the individual. It adds to the volume of testimony of the "great cloud of witnesses" that testify to the nature of God. It makes us aware of mistakes and failed ideas and concepts so that by studying history we can choose to not repeat the mistakes of the past.
The Bible is the Special Revelation of God written by man which reveals his plan and purpose for humanity and lays out how we are to see Him, others, and ourselves. The systematic study of the Bible is the most important information we can impart to the students in our care. It should be composed of the following: Systematic Biblical worldview instruction, the reading and study of Holy Scripture itself, Bible memory, and the encouragement of a personal relationship with Christ through prayer, journaling, and quiet reflection. Developing a Biblical worldview is essential for seeing the world as God sees the world. It allows us to make decisions and choices that are God-centered in our lives. Reading the Scripture itself is the method God most commonly uses to speak and minister to His children and should never be overlooked or minimalized. Bible memory is commanded in scripture to teach our hearts the precepts of God so that we might be obedient in all things. Most importantly, fosters an environment in which children can develop their own personal relationship with God. First, by accepting salvation through His Son Jesus and then developing lifelong habits that lead them daily to approach the throne room of God as their Abba father.